
Monday, April 11, 2011

Lunch with Friends

I have a group of friends that have been together from 30 to 18 years. We formed an investment club about 18 years ago. The bigger group got tired and we disolved and reformed again. Their is only 7 of us now. We only deposit 30.00 per month so we aren't doing great guns and rocking the stock market. I am the oldest and have been having health problems. But we were told this weekend that our youngest has cancer that has already mastasized. We are extremely concerned and don't know what to do. Instead of our regular meeting we have lunch together today. We always fill everyone in on our life and what is going on with us and our families.

One of my friends of 18 years came down on me with a ton of bricks. I am not insisting on my boys taking care of me instead of me helping take care of my grandkids. She said she would yell and scream until they paid attention and helped take care of her. Maybe her kids are different but she tells them they owe her. I always felt I was independent and didn't need to interfer in their lives. She put a whole different spin on the way I should look at life. That was a very hard thing to hear.

My sister just called me I haven't talked to her in about 5 years. She is in a nursing home in Alabama. It has been so hard to write and tell her every thing that has happened in the last 5 years. My life has been so eventful.


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